
Thursday, March 10, 2011

8 Months

My darling is actually almost 8 1/2 months now and I haven't posted about her changes and growth since 6 months.  Bad Mommy.

Kaia is getting more beautiful every day.  She truly is a "good" baby and I know I'm lucky.  She's still a tiny little thing (though healthy) she's in the 25% for her age/size.  She's wearing a size three diaper but by weight could still fit in size 2.  She's wearing her 6-9 or 6-12 month clothes but still wears a couple shirts and a jacket that is 3-6 months (I told you she was tiny people).

There are still no teeth in site but she's doing well eating.  She's tried all her fruits and veggies, chicken, turkey, and baby yogurt.  Squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, applesauce, and peaches are her favorite.

Kaia's on video #3 for Your Baby Can Read.  She watches her sign video everyday.  Sometimes, to her Mommy's utter delight, she says Mamama.

She sits well.  She held herself in a standing position holding her jumper for a couple seconds the other day.  She rolls to her hearts content but does not crawl yet.

She loves the things that most babies do but her favorite things?  Sippy cups, paper, plastic, holding the diaper cream when she's getting her diaper changed, and typing love notes to her Daddy when she talks to him on Skype.  If anyone knows how the heck you get a kitty to appear on Skype let us know because Kaia figured out how to do it but her Daddy and I can't figure it out to save our lives.  We think she may be hinting at something early.

Oh, and Kiyoshi's feet, aka paws.  She loves those!  Totally strange right?



Selby said...

Not to mention she likes ripping pages out of textbooks. Teehee. Silly girl! :)

Kat said...

Khara, for what it's worth, as a pup I absolutely refused to crawl. It wasn't my scene. So if Kaia doesn't make it there, don't fret. She'll be on her feet in no time!

Sara said...

so sweet! for skype try pressing and holding and three letter keys together. C A and T together or I S U together always seems to work. It's an "easter egg" in the software that is triggered when there is "paw-like" activity or a "cat walking across the key board" - one of the keys has to be "far enough" from the other two keys.

Holding down any three or more "close" letter keys at the same time causes a two-hands typing icon to appear, indicating that the user is smashing the might see that any day now with your little one at the helm!

Unknown said...

Oh what a teensy thing. I know it's for her own protection and your piece of mind, but every time you talk about her I want to see her little cuteness! Glad she's growing so much.

Kitchen Belleicious said...

how cute! A kitty? I love it. I have no idea but next time i skype with my mom I will try and figure it out. She is most probably hinting. Amazing how they cantell us stuff without actually talking :)

Paula @ Simply Sandwich said...

These are such precious times! Make sure to soak them all up! :) I had a teeny girl too - the good news is you get to use their clothes for alot longer!

Liz said...

I'm sure it seems crazy she still has to teeth, but it seems like babies who get teeth at an older age do better when they start to come in (less fussy, etc).

Alicia said...

It sounds like she is growing beautifully. Just beautifully. How do you like those "Your Baby Can Read" videos? My sister bought them for my son, but I haven't used it yet. What do you think? Yay or nay?

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, she'll be walking soon... and then you're in for it.

Ameena said...

My mom always told me that I went straight from sitting up to walking. So I bet your little one is just advanced as I was. :)

And it's a good thing for girls to be little - they are THAT much cuter for that much longer. :)

Kelly @ City Mom said...

Aw what a cutie! My DD is/was always small too. She's 3 now & still only in size 4 diapers (at nighttime). Everyone always thinks she's much younger than she is & are quite surprised when they hear her talk so well!

And it sounds like she's a little PC genius!

Elizabeth-FlourishinProgress said...

I love that I am getting to "grow up" with baby Kaia. Thanks for letting us come along for the ride.

Anonymous said...

ack!! Where is the time going?!?! Baby bear is turning 1 in a week and a half. This week he actually figured out the whole "putting IN the container thing" THey grow so fast. Congrats Mama!

Mandi Miller said...

Awww! She sounds adorable!!! And smart too!

Anne said...

So sweet! Sounds like she s good eater! Mine used to love to grab the diaper cream, too - it always went squirting all over the place! My youngest didn't crawl until she was a year old and didn't walk until she was 17 months. She'll get there before you know it (:

Colleen said...

She sounds just so precious! Perfect too.:)

Stephanie said...

8 months already! Oh how the time flys...try and enjoy every second:) Love your updates!

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