
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gone Too Long

Hi all!  I'm sorry I've been gone too long.  I know.  I'm not doing well at juggling my new demands with the old.  Though, don't worry, Kaia's still being taken good care of.  The blog and exercise are not doing so well though.  But the weather today is gorgeous and I'm going to be taking Kaia out for a stroller jog here shortly.  I cherish every moment I have with my daughter now even more now that I must be away from her so many hours of the week at school.  I don't think I could ever have been prepared for how much I'd miss her even if everyone told me in a million different ways. 

She's so precious and so sweet my little angel.  She's 7 1/2 months old already.  Time has flown.  She was reweighed the other day and has gained one pound so she's holding her own staying steady in the 25th percentile.  That's what you get when your Mama and Papa aren't exactly big people I suppose.  Also, the most wonderful thing ever . . . she says, "Mama ma, ma, ma" now!  I know it's not necessarily about her Mama, yet, but she says it nonetheless and it melts my heart and makes me smile every time.  The girl is good!

My Mom was here visiting for a week and a half.  Thank God for such a blessing and having her here to be our Valentine.  Kaia misses her dearly.  She felt much loved and spoiled having Grandma watch her while I was at school.  I wish she could stay always.

That being said, we are yet another day closer to Daddy being home again though it still feels so far away, having him home again truly will be a wonderful blessing.

I have been trying to catch up on all of your fabulous blogs ladies.  I am sorry I haven't been doing so well.  I've enjoyed all the posts I've been able to catch up on so far.  I've missed you all.  Big hugs to you all.  I hope you are well and had a wonderful Valentine's day filled with so much deserved love, chocolates, and jewelry :)



Elizabeth-FlourishInProgress said...

I think you're handling things beautifully. If I had a beautiful baby and a new full time student gig and I had a blog, I would be screaming for mercy! Or, at the very least, stuffing my face with Peeps.

Miss you and wish the ABSOLUTE BEST for you!!

Hope you'll keep us updated!

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back!! Juggling is so hard, but it sounds like your doing an awesome job. Isn't being mama the most amazing job of all!?

The Bonjour Four said...

Aw really enjoyed this post.. I just don't know how you are doing it all. Nursing school is so demanding of your time and energy! Know from experience! :) hope you are really enjoying it though. I'm sure it's so hard being away from your precious baby so often.. I think that would be extremely hard. Anyway, glad your hubby will be with you all again soon! Glad to hear from you. ;)


Kat said...

Happy belated Valentine's Day, lady! I'm just SO glad that you're doing well, working hard and spending quality time with Kaia!

That being said, even if they're only little updates, I love hearing about what's going on with your life :)

Unknown said...

I did the same thing. I walked the girls down to the park and we snacked and then played our little hearts out. I love when I can combine exercise with hanging out with my girls.

salwar kameez said...

Great post.. Love your blog.. thanks for sharing...

Colleen said...

Oh welcome back! It's so nice to get an update on where you are at, I've really missed you here!

How adorable that she is saying mama now, that has got to be the most beautiful sound in the world!

I'm glad you mom was there to help out a bit! I just want to say how much I admire you being alone with Kaia while your husband is away and doing such an excellent job. You really are a strong woman.

Have a lovely weekend and big big hugs from Norway! Well from me actually but you know what I mean.:)

Kitchen Belleicious said...

No sorries necessary friend. I think you are handling everything exactly like I would if not better. I am glad the exercising is going well and I promise I know how it feels to have your mom there with you to help out. My mom lives 7 hours away and when she comes it is for days and I cry every single time she leaves. Every single time! She is my rock and my son's favorite person in the world besides his parents of course:)

Yeah for one step closer to see the husband. Okay- so when exactly is he coming home again? I would like to be praying for his journey home. I hope you have a wonderful jog this morning and a awesome weekend. I am here if you need me!

Shell said...

Life always have to come before blogging, girl!

Glad you had a nice visit with your mom!

Ameena said...

It is not easy to juggle everything - I speak from experience here - but it sounds like you are doing a wonderful job. Blogs, in the grand scheme of things, are not important! I love reading your comments but don't stress about it! Real-life comes first.

Sandra said...

Who cares about us Khara, how are you? How are your classes? Do you like it? Do you feel it's your "calling?"

Liz said...

Don't worry about us and your blogging. We'll be here when you get back.

Alicia said...

I'm sure it's been really hard with all that you've been juggling, but trust that it'll be okay; that you are still in the learning process of things; and that this too, shall pass. How great it must have felt to have your mom there with you! I bet it helped out a lot and made things a bit more smoothly. xx

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