
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Always Running

I feel like I'm always running these days.  No, not literally, though I wish that was the case.  Instead it's just one thing after the other.  Classes, followed by homework, followed by baby feeding, changing, bathing, development, playing, followed by more homework, followed by cleaning and errand running.  Then it's just wash, rinse, repeat.

I am enjoying school.  I am finding my groove, mostly.  I am looking forward to my future as a nurse.  And yet, I so miss my lazy days with my daughter.  I love sleeping in until 7 or after and having nothing to next to nothing major on the agenda.  I miss long snuggles with her soft, warm little babiness every day.  There is no sound quite like her sweet voice babbling to her Mommy all day.  And now, now she's becoming so much more fun too!  She says Mama.  Her Nanny said she signed it too!  Such a smart baby!  I don't want to miss one moment with her.  And so now, I cherish each second I have with her even more.



The Bonjour Four said...

i bet you do! i would miss it so very much. You are doing a great thing becoming a nurse though!

Kat said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're finally hitting your stride with school!

It's absolutely adorable to hear that Kaia is signing your name!

Kristi said...

I think it's great that your finding your groove. That's the most important thing to do.
It does seem like a lot, but you'll be so happy once your finished with school.
Hang in there... it sounds like your going a great job all around.

Unknown said...

At least it will be worth it once you are done with school. And it does make you appreciate them so much more huh?

Kitchen Belleicious said...

Oh yeah for Momma! I was so excited when Grant finally started saying it but now he won't stop! LOL! I know what you mean about running. I feel the same way most weeks. Keep it up thoigh= you are doing great!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I hear you. I feel this way each fall when school starts again. Hang in there. I know it is hard, and you will be an awesome nurse!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are enjoying school!

Elizabeth-FlourishinProgress said...

you're working toward such a worthy goal! keep on keepin' on!!

Anne said...

I think moms are always running. It's so hard to find that down time. That's what is so great about being away from her is how much more you'll appreciate the time you do have with her, all the good and the frustrating! Pursuing something for yourself is making you a great mom!

Sandra said...

You are brave and you will get through this. It must be so hard with your little girl, but keep going! Plus you've already found your groove!

Shell said...

You are one busy mama!

lynn.marie said...

That must be so hard! Is the program you're in two years in length? Maybe you'll at least get the summer off with Kaia. What type of nursing would you like to do when you graduate?

Ameena said...

I remember those days my friend! Things are still crazy but just keep your eye on the prize...I swear it gets easier and easier.

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